Version 4.0.0 - 09/06/2020
Version 4.0.0 - 09/06/2020
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1918 | Adding a field to provide an optional user middle name | We have added the ability for an optional user middle name to be provided. This is primarily for apprentices, but is stored against the user and thus will appear in the user details for all user types. We have also included these changed in the API, so that when an apprentices details are being retrieved, this optional middle name is included, and it can also be supplied when adding an apprentice to the system via the API. We have also included the middle name in all of the reports that have the apprentice name details in them. Included as separate column in following reports: Completed Gateway Billing Registered Apprentice Billing Assessment Resits Late Registrations Apprentice Details Change of Circumstance Past Programmes Assessment Before Gateway Completed Completed QA Certification Pending QA Results Pending QA SLA Overview SLA Detailed Included as part of apprentice_name column in reports: Result Outcome Actions EPA Allocation Planning Meeting Details Assessment Elements Certification Overview Result Tracking Assessment Required Uploads Ready for Certification Included as part of conflict_name column in report: EPA Conflicts of Interest | |
EP-1897 | PO Number on User Record | We have added the ability for an optional user purchase order number to be provided. This is primarily for apprentices, but is stored against the user and thus will appear in the user details for all user types. We have also included these changed in the API, so that when an apprentices details are being retrieved, this optional purchase order number is included, and it can also be supplied when adding an apprentice to the system via the API. We have also included the apprentice specific purchase order number in the following reports: Apprentice Details and Gateway Billing. | |
EP-1866 | Assign Apprentice - Bulk assign improvements | We've adjusted the bulk assign apprentice to help reduce the potential for processing errors and improve the feedback provided back to the user on the current progress. | |
EP-1199 | Backend systems upgrade - PHP / Laravel | Major work has been performed to upgrade many of our core technologies including PHP and Laravel. These changes will affect the application as a whole in a multitude of ways with many of them unseen including security enhancements and performance increases. |
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