Version 3.41.0 - 17/03/2020
Version 3.41.0 - 17/03/2020
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1823 | Fix certification details displaying incorrect component results | We've fixed a display bug when viewing a certification's details. This was showing the overall outcome (passed, failed and voided) rather than the actual grade (Distinction, Merit, Pass, Fail etc.). | |
EP-1818 | Add a notice when a QA is saved | When creating, updating or publishing a QA a notice will now be shown to confirm the action completed successfully. | |
EP-1817 | Add a link to assign apprentice on gateway completed | We've adjusted the gateway completed screen to now show a 'Assign to EPA' button on relevant apprentices, this used to show a label stating an EPA has not been assigned. This button will only show if the user has permission to assign apprentices. The screen will now also show a label stating that the apprentice is awaiting an EPA decision if they have been assigned but are pending EPA approval/rejection. | |
EP-1812 | GDPR apprentice export as an EPAM should now find available apprentices. | GDPR apprentice export as an EPAM should now find available apprentices for that logged in user. | |
EP-1800 | Fix to component booking email provider name | This fixes an issue with the component booking email that is sent out to the provider being incorrectly addressed to the employer if one was set. We have fixed this so it is now addressed to the provider. | |
EP-1799 | Fixed an issue with the API sometimes clearing custom permissions | We've fixed a bug which sometimes caused the custom permissions assigned to an apprentice to be cleared when updating via the API. | |
EP-1794 | Dashboard Apprentices Awaiting Acceptance widget out of sync | We've fixed an issue with the Apprentices Awaiting Acceptance widget EPAs and EPAMs see on their dashboard where some apprentices were not being shown. | |
EP-1793 | Adjust the scope of the gateway submitted notification | If EPAs or EPAMs have the approve-reject-gateway permission it'll now correctly filter out any EPAs / EPAMs that do not have the standard/specialism the apprentice is on. This should help reduce the number of notifications users receive relating to the gateway. | |
EP-1791 | EPAMs to set their own availability. | EPAM can now edit their own availability within the Additional Details section of My Profile. | |
EP-1786 | Phase 1 - Assign multiple EPAM to an EPA | Provides initial ground work to change the relationship between EPA & EPAM to allow multiple EPAM to be assigned to one EPA. This will allow for greater EPA visibility for EPAMs, particularly within Assign Apprentice. To cater for this new one to many relationship, reports containing EPAM details have been changed to show a comma delimited list when multiple are assigned to one EPA - filters etc. should still function as expected, as this is just for display purposes within reports. Note that the ability to select multiple EPAM is not introduced in this work. The EPAM dropdown has also been updated to sort the EPAMs by name. The "None Selected" option should also now be disabled. | |
EP-1780 | Gateway specification - unchecking toggle options (i.e. single sign off) now save correctly | Unchecking toggle options "Single Sign Off", "Require File Upload or E-Portfolio Link" and "Confirm Mentor, Address and Apprentice Details" should now save correctly when disabled. | |
EP-1779 | Make the provider input on create apprentice consistent with other screens | We've adjusted how the provider input is shown for providers creating new apprentices. It's no longer a dropdown and is rather pre-populated like on other screens, keeping it consistent. | |
EP-1776 | Fix display issue with the gateway completion date | When viewing a gateway the gateway completion date didn't always show in the input box. This has now been corrected. | |
EP-1773 | Fix to allow user types to be removed from support materials | A fix to a bug that made it impossible to remove user type restrictions on support materials | |
EP-1757 | New report for outcomes and actions | This is a new report that allows the tracking and processing of outcomes and actions. This includes a filter for outcomes and the ability to mark outcomes as processed. | |
EP-1750 | Add a new, detailed report to the SLA reporting category | We've added a new detailed report that expands on the SLA Overview report. This new detailed report will show a breakdown of every component relating to an apprentice showing the key dates from start to finish of the component. This report includes all elements regardless of their status, since you would still want to check SLAs are being met on components that have had their statuses changed. | |
EP-1749 | Add a new SLA Overview report | We've added a new SLA Overview report under a new SLA reporting category. This new report will show an overview of key milestones during an apprentices EPA. This is report does not do any calculations and will just output the relevant dates for each key milestone in an apprentice's journey. This new report makes use of the dates we introduced in 3.40.0 and will be more useful for future assessments. | |
EP-1731 | Improve positioning of long reporting dropdown filters. | Fix long reporting dropdown filters sometimes hiding options under the top bar. | |
EP-1689 | Grade profile active/inactive flag | A new flag to allow grade profile options to be made in active (or retired). This will mean that they still show up historically in reports, but they can be removed from the list when adding/editing results. | |
EP-1555 | Implement a user login activity log | Users logging in and out will now be logged so that we can see the last time a user logged into the system and how long they spent before logging out again. This also ties into the new OAuth functionality allowing us to see what method a user used to log in. | |
EP-1552 | Implement Google/Microsoft OAuth | We've added OAuth powered single sign-on for both Microsoft and Google accounts. When editing a user you can specify what login methods the user can log in with. If one of the OAuth providers is ticked this will enable the user to link their account via their profile, once completed they'll then be able to use the links on the login page to login for future authentication attempts. This will be disabled by default for all customers. If you would like this enabled on your account please send a support request. If you have a suggestion for other providers to be implemented please submit these as feature requests for review. | |
EP-1492 | Grade profile option categories | We have introduced functionality that allows grade profile options to be grouped by category, to limit the number that are shown at any one time when adding/editing results. This is backward compatible with all uncategorised results being listed under an 'uncategorised' option in the Category drop down when adding/editing results. We have also added a free text field that will allow a maximum of 255 characters to be entered into it, for any further information EPA's may be required to add. | |
EP-1276 | Record of Achievement added for certifications and new data for component ROA | The ability to download a record of achievement has been added to the overall certification. This uses a template file, similar to components, which can be put against assessment schemas. The template will be passed the below data: apprentice_name - The apprentice name standard_name - The standard name certification_result - The apprentice's result for the certification certification_date - The date the QA was completed and the certification was awarded component_name_X - X is a number starting at 1, this will populate each of the components associated with the standard component_result_X - X is a number starting at 1, this will populate each of the components results associated with the standard The component record of achievement has also been given a new possible value: awarded_date - The date the QA was completed and the grade was awarded | |
EP-1141 | Introduce new "Back into Learning" apprentice status | A new "back into learning" change of circumstance option has been introduced. This new status collects a new "expected return date" when selected, which can then be obtained using the change of circumstances report. In addition, the following areas of the system have been enhanced to limit apprentices based on their status. The following places will now only include on programme & complete apprentices (unless otherwise stated): * Manage planning meetings * Search for apprentices (within book planning meeting) * "Assessment Before Gateway Completed" report * "Certification Overview" report (will only show complete & certified) * "Result Tracking" report * "Assessment Required Uploads" report |
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