Version 3.42.0 - 31/03/2020

Version 3.42.0 - 31/03/2020

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-1848StoryEmail ImprovementsImproved the quality of emails to reduce the probability of spam filters blocking system emails. Changes include adding plain text versions of system emails, adding alt tags to images used in default emails, and fixing a bug where the logo did not always load correctly causing a broken link.
EP-1846BugFixing old QA redirectsFixed two redirect links related to QA users for their old edit link and their old edit profile link.
EP-1839BugEPA Allocation Report fixedFixed a bug in the EPA Allocation report where the status filter was not working properly following the SLA work to increase the historical data stored regarding allocations.
EP-1837BugApprentices At Gateway widget not displaying any apprenticesFixed a bug where the 'Apprentices at Gateway' dashboard widget wasn't displaying data.
EP-1835StoryAdjust the dates shown on the gateway status screensWe've adjusted the dates shown on the different gateway status screens making them more relevant to the status being shown.
EP-1831BugGateway Notification fixesFixed a bug where gateway notifications were being sent out when a gateway was saved rather than just on submission.
Also altered the message text to show more clearly when a gateway is saved versus submitted.
EP-1827StoryAdd a new availability notes field for EPAs/EPAMsThis adds a new availability notes field to the EPA/EPAM screens under the availability tab. This new field is shown on the availability section when booking a new component.
EP-1816BugConfirmation of pending gatewaysNew confirmation message when approving pending gateways submitted
EP-1813BugFixed a bug where deleted apprentices were showing on the manage meetings pageWe've fixed a bug where deleted apprentices were still showing on the manage meetings screen.
EP-1797BugDisable buttons of authentication screen when submittingWe've fixed a bug which in some instances would trigger an error of a user double-clicked the login button quickly. The button will now disable itself preventing this from occurring.
EP-1785StoryAdd audit status filter to apprentice details reportWe've added the ability to filter the apprentice details report by the audit (gateway) status of the apprentice, the dropdown contains 'Awaiting Gateway', 'Pending', 'Rejected' and 'Approved'.
EP-1764StoryAdd a view profile link to the edit apprentice screenWe've added a button on the edit apprentice screen that will take you to that apprentice's profile.
EP-1751StoryAdd a new SLA Management screenWe've added a new SLA management screen that will provide AOs the ability to set the duration of each SLA defined, view the history of thresholds for each SLA and also provide a way to enter business hours and any excluded days or periods that SLA calculations should ignore.

Two new permissions have been added for this `read-sla` and `update-sla`.

Currently, these dates are not used for any calculations, this is currently just the configuration of the SLAs. Calculations will be implemented in a future update.
EP-1734StoryUser role added to user details report with filter.Extended the user details report to show the role against the user. Added a role filter alongside this.
EP-1710BugMap pins update when apprentice/EPA/EPAM postcode changesMap pins should correctly update when the postcode of an apprentice/EPA/EPAM is changed, reflecting their new geographic location.

Note the code to update geo-location has also been applied to employers & providers, though they do not currently appear on any maps.
EP-1654BugPrevent Certification QA before component QAs have been completed.Prevents Certification QA from being processed before component QAs have been completed.
EP-1587BugAdjust the URL the view support material link has when viewing/editing a support materialWe've adjusted the URL used for viewing a saved file on a support material. This does not change functionality but keeps it consistent with other screens.
EP-1483StoryAdd bulk processing of record of achievementWe've added a new screen under the assessment menu to allow the bulk processing of record of achievements. The new screen will show certifications and elements that are eligible for a ROA being generated.

The new screen allows for emailing individual records, emailing all selected records or downloading selected records as a ZIP file.

Emailing the ROA will send an email to the apprentice's registered email address. The email that's sent can be customised inside the email settings screen.

Once a ROA has been downloaded or emailed it'll be marked as processed and by default will be hidden from the ROA screen. There is a filter that allows you to show records that have been processed should they need to be redownloaded or resent.

key type release notes title release notes description