Version 3.45.0 - 12/05/2020
Version 3.45.0 - 12/05/2020
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1998 | Updated Favicon | The favicon has been updated. | |
EP-1949 | Assessment Elements Report - Performance | Performance improvements for the Assessment Elements report following customer feedback. | |
EP-1943 | ROA download errors if the file contains a forward slash or backslash | We have fixed a bug that was causing an error when trying to download an ROA document as the component name or standard name contained a backslash and/or a forwardslash. Special characters will now be stripped from the file name only leaving alphanumeric characters, spaces and dashes. | |
EP-1927 | EPA availability on EPA view screen | This bug fix resolves the issue that meant it was not possible to see EPA availability on the view EPA screens, even if you did have the permission. | |
EP-1914 | Apprentice - When a provider has no employers attached, an incorrect message is displayed under edit apprentice | We've fixed the employer field showing an incorrect label when editing an apprentice if the provider has no employers. Previously this would show 'Please select provider first'. It will now show 'No employers associated with provider'. | |
EP-1912 | Employers - Standards deselect when creating a new employer and an error occurs | We've fixed a bug where the standards will be deselected when creating a new employer and a validation error occurs. The standards will now remain checked. | |
EP-1885 | Include retakes on the Assessment Resits report | Retakes will now appear on the Assessment Resits report & be included the same way as resits. A new filter has been introduced into the report to filter by element type (Resit/Retake). | |
EP-1881 | Apprentice Profile - Add the overall certification ROA download | We've updated the apprentice profile to include the Record of Achievement download for certifications. Once an apprentice has been certified and the certification has been QAed a new row will show at the bottom of their elements table. If a template is available for the schema the apprentice is on then a download button will be available, similar to the component downloads above. | |
EP-1850 | Assessment schema data persist on saving | This fixes an issue where the assessment schema dates, standard and specialisms do not persist in the event that an error is returned when saving the page. | |
EP-1798 | Providers can now change the primary employer sub user | The employer sub-user screen has been adjusted to allow providers to change the primary user of an employer. The default provider role now also has the 'Read' permission for employer sub-users, this is needed to allow access to the screen, the default role already has permission to change the sub-user. | |
EP-1675 | EPA Availability - absence not flagged if component meeting encompasses it | We've improved the EPA Availability conflict calculations to fix a bug where an absence would not be marked as a conflict if it was between the assessment's start/end time. |
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