Version 3.44.0 - 28/04/2020

Version 3.44.0 - 28/04/2020

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-1894BugSome characters show incorrectly on the outcome dropdown when adding a resultWe've fixed a display bug where some characters, '&' for example, would show incorrectly on the outcome dropdown.
EP-1883BugAssign Apprentice - Apprentices incorrectly showing in rejectedWe've fixed a bug with the assign apprentice rejected screen which sometimes continued to show apprentices even after they had been reassigned and approved with another EPA. The apprentice will now correctly move back to the pending screen when being reassigned. The menu counts will also be adjusted to account for this change.
EP-1882BugLinked assessment schemas from the standard pageThis fix resolves an issue where associated assessment schemas were not always visible when viewing standards. This affected older schemas that had been added to the system before the screen re-writes.
EP-1880BugError when accessing legacy support material URLWe've fixed an error that occurred when accessing the legacy support material URLs (/modules/supportmaterial), these should now redirect the user to the new support material screen.
EP-1877StoryAdded Zoom meetings to assessment element calendar bookingsThe Zoom functionality has been expanded into the calendar booking area of EPAPro.

If Zoom is set up on the system then when booking a new assessment and under the "Assessment Details" heading there will now be the options to book a Zoom meeting attached to that booking. Users will need to provide the email address for the Zoom account to book the meeting under and then complete the calendar booking as normal.

If an assessment is moved before the plan has been completed or rescheduled after the plan has been completed then the existing Zoom meeting will be updated. For Resits and Retakes a new meeting will be booked.

Finally if cloud recording has been enabled against the user's Zoom account and the assessment is recorded then when adding the result into EPAPro the system will automatically provide links to view or download the recording(s) directly from Zoom within the add/edit/view result popup.
EP-1870StoryAdd five new columns to the assessment resit reportWe've added five new columns to the assessment resits report, these are as follows:
-- The outcome additional info of the result
-- The category of the previous result
-- The outcome (result) of the previous result
-- The grade type of the previous result
-- The outcome additional info of the previous result
EP-1859BugCertification - EPAs seeing apprentices they're not directly assigned toWe have fixed a bug where EPAs were seeing apprentices they could not certify, this was due to the screen showing them apprentices they were directly assigned to and where they had an element with an apprentice. The action was then being blocked by underlying security.

The screen should now only show apprentices that the EPA is directly assigned to and ignore if they've been involved with an element.
EP-1811BugBulk Upload - Fix some customers having trouble downloading example CSVsWe've fixed a bug that some customers were experiencing where they were unable to download some example CSV files from the bulk upload screen.
EP-1788BugDeletion of entities fixA fix to ensure that when entities are deleted from the system, this is not prevented by matches on associated users that have previously been deleted from the system.
EP-1745BugFix a bug with recreating a deleted mock testWe've fixed an issue where trying to create a new mock test would sometimes fail if the mock test had already existed under the same name but had since been deleted.
EP-1686BugESFA - Search field not auto filteringWe've fixed an inconsistency with the search field on the ESFA screen, it will now auto search when typing 3+ characters, keeping it consistent with the other screens.
EP-1646StoryReporting - Added a new ready for certification reportWe've added a new ready for certification report to the assessment reporting category. This report will show the apprentices that are ready for certification. The report will include apprentices that have not been certified yet, or that have not had the certification QA published.

A new filter has also been added for this report that will filter out any apprentices that have a component pending QA. This is to help with differences in how customers handle certification, e.g. waiting until all components are QAed before classing an apprentice as 'ready' vs classing an apprentice as 'ready' once all components have a completed, final result against them.

The permission to see this report has been given to AO users only, should you wish for other roles to see this report you can enable it within the role's permissions.
EP-1618BugApprentice - Correct historic data for the expected completion dateWe've fixed an issue with the formatting of some historic apprentice records where the expected completion date (end_date) would show similar to '0001-11-30' on reports and within the apprentice screen. The underlying issue was fixed as part of the apprentice screen rewrite, we have now fixed the apprentices that were affected by this.
EP-1501StoryUser ActionsWe've implemented a new actions feature into EPAPro. This is a new side panel similar to the notifications that are instructing a user that they need to do something. The action will be automatically 'completed' and removed from this panel once the action has been completed. The actions currently supported are:

-- Gateway requires approval - sent to relevant users with the Gateway approve/reject permission when a provider submits the gateway
-- Planning meeting needs to be booked - sent to the EPA assigned to the apprentice, this is created when both the gateway has been approved and an apprentice has been assigned an EPA
-- Results need adding to an element - this is sent to an EPA to instruct them results need to be added
-- Result needs QA - this will be sent to QA users to instruct them a result needs to be QAed
-- Certification needs QA - this will be sent to QA users to instruct them a certification needs to be QAed

The actions icon can be found next to the notifications icon on the top bar.

What is releasing as part of 3.44 is the core foundation and implementation of actions. We have plans to expand this functionality in future releases, adding additional actions, escalation of actions and the interaction with the SLA settings providing a due date and countdowns for when an action must be completed to remain within the SLA.
EP-1481StoryPlanning Meeting Efficiency ChangesWe have made some changes that make submitting a planning meeting a bit quicker. The date is now pre-filled and we have provided an option to send emails (default is no) and create the assessment plan directly after saving the planning meeting (default is no). These changes are designed to reduce the amount of time it takes to get through the planning process.

key type release notes title release notes description