Version 3.43.0 - 14/04/2020

Version 3.43.0 - 14/04/2020

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-1902BugChanging 'Record of Completion' to 'Record of Achievement'Changed 'Record of Completion' to 'Record of Achievement' across the application to ensure consistency.
Also fixed the tooltip for the Certification RoA for the following:
- certification_name_X is now correctly component_name_X
- certification_result_X is now correctly component_result_X
EP-1901StoryReporting - Adding Apprentice Status filter and removing default apprentice status'The following reports were previous pre-filtering to particular apprentice statuses. This has been removed and the apprentice status filter has been added to each of these reports along with the apprentice status as a field.

The reports are:
- Assessment Before Gateway Completed
- Certification Overview
- Result Tracking
- Assessment Required Uploads

As the apprentice status filter is now being used by other reports not directly related to the apprentice record it has been renamed to 'Apprentice Status' for clarity.

Finally we've fixed a small inconsistency where in some instances certification records were not shown in this report before QA was completed.
EP-1899BugApprentice created/updated events not firingFixed a bug where the create and update events for apprentices were not being fired from the screens. This only affected the API.
EP-1891BugFix to the date filtering on the Action Outcome reportWe have fixed an issue with the Action Outcome report where it was not possible to filter by date.
EP-1890BugGateway Submitted NotificationMade a change to who receives the gateway submitted notifications.
By default this notification will now be sent to an Awarding Organisation user who has permission to approve or reject gateways.
In addition if the apprentice is assigned to an EPA then that EPA and any of their managers will also receive the notification if they have permission to approve or reject gateways.
EP-1871StoryAssessment Type on Resit ReportWe have added the assessment type to the resit report.
EP-1869StoryAPI - Added element location type and assessment typeThe /plan endpoint has been extended to include the location type against each element. At the time of writing this will be either 'Online', 'Physical', or null if the element existed before the location type functionality. The assessment type has also been included (i.e. business project, presentation). Full and up to date details available in the API documentation upon go live.
EP-1867StoryAssessment Type in Outcome Actions ReportAdding the assessment type to the outcome actions report
EP-1865BugContracts - Improved memory efficiencyMemory usage has been lowered as contract sizes scale up.
EP-1861StoryAdd result category to reportsThe result category has been added to the following reports: result tracking, assessment elements and resit report
EP-1860StoryAssign a primary EPAM against an EPAFunctionality has been provided to allow an EPA to have two different sets of EPAM - one primary EPAM (required) & multiple secondary EPAMs (optional).

The primary EPAM will appear on the majority of the reports that have EPAM information. The secondary EPAM will appear on the EPA information report a comma-delimited list in a new column.
EP-1856BugApprentice Profile - fix a bug where the wrong programme's elements are shownWe've fixed a bug where in some cases the apprentice profile screen shows the results of elements for the wrong plan when looking at a previous programme.
EP-1743StoryGoogle maps (assign apprentice/accept caseload) supports stacked pinsGoogle maps functionality (in both assign apprentice & accept caseload) should now support multiple pins, stacked on the same location. Stacked pins are now highlighted using a new grey pins - clicking these pins will expand the pin into individual selectable pins.
EP-1491StorySuper User Management ScreenWe have added functionality for Awarding Organisations to appoint one user account as the owner, which then has permissions to administer Super User accounts.
EP-1102StoryChange of Next Actions to match ESFA definitionsThe assessment next action has been changed to match the ESFA definitions.

Please note, the following areas have changed:

* the next actions on assessment plan elements will now be: resit, retake or fail
   * anything that previously had a next action of 'retake' will now be 'resit'
   * anything that previously had a next action of 'back into learning' will now be 'retake'

* the retake report has now become the resit report, in line with the change of retake to resit. As such, this will provide information about RESITS ONLY at this stage.

* anywhere we previously referenced retakes, i.e. the 'retake price' on the contracts, or the 'maximum number of retakes' on the contracts, will now be specifically referring to RESITS ONLY

key type release notes title release notes description